Festers has Moved

Ok sorry to make this such short notice but.... the move is happening as i type, we aim to go live tomorrow.

Our new home is tf2.festersplace.com no ip anymore just type that into your add server to favorites

also the forum will be moving and its new home will be http://www.FestersPlace.com ... a post will be made here when the forum under FestersPlace.com is fully swapped over ....

Ok dont think just the Admins are going to be sweating away getting things ready were looking for some help from.....

some one with CMS experience looking for a nice fancy new website to go with our all ready busy forum.

Some one who would be interested in doing some new art work, banner for website and spray's for the regs.

so if you have some idea's for either the website or logo for the new look festers place let me know

The new server is a dedicated box that we are renting from Killer Creation so we expect no more lag and some space expanding Fester's Place...

I just want to thank all the Reg's who play on Festers and to all the people who donated with out ye we still be a bottom of the pile crap server.....

Any questions? .... No! ....... Good!