20:00 CET / 19:00 GMT
We're playing on their server.
We need two mercs (Sniper, Spy), so if any of the other BoF players want to join us for this match, please post here or let me know on steam.
Match page
BoF III vs Team Nub - Saturday 6th of November
BoF III vs Team Nub - Saturday 6th of November
Last edited by T... on Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: BoF III vs .LV - Saturday 6th of November
Happy to fill either spot if needed
gimme a shout, ye got yer net sorted then T?

Re: BoF III vs .LV - Saturday 6th of November
Nope, still no luck with it.
I'm just gonna head to a net café in town later.
I'm just gonna head to a net café in town later.
Re: BoF III vs Team Nub - Saturday 6th of November
I just made a copy and paste mistake. 
It's two separate matches.

It's two separate matches.