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Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:35 pm
by Fester
as it says. just trying to keep the sign up list clean and easy to sort through when the time for team picking comes.

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:52 pm
by Toco
any idea where in europe the servers will be?

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:54 pm
by Fester
umm my guess would be UK and the Netherlands. ye should have better pings to Netherlands than UK. Festers Place is a UK server. so be same ping or a bit less

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:10 pm
by Toco
k cool just as long as my pings under 300, any more and i become useless

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:13 pm
by indivisible
Any ideas on times and dates?
All I could see on my quick scan of the one page linked by valve didn't say anything. I guess they'll announce it when they actually launch properly but anyone have the inside scoop?

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:26 pm
by Califax
indivisible wrote:Any ideas on times and dates?
All I could see on my quick scan of the one page linked by valve didn't say anything. I guess they'll announce it when they actually launch properly but anyone have the inside scoop?

Took this of the ETF2L-forum where the same question was asked:

"Any time you want. :)

You are told the people you need to play against and a date that it needs to be played by. Its up to you to contact them via Steam, IRC, the etf2l site itself or anything else you can think of, and work it out with them. You then just post it on the etf2l site, other team accepts and thats it. :) "

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:33 pm
by Califax
FAQ from the ETF2L-forum
The ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, this thread will explain a lot of useful information about the Highlander Community Challenge

So what’s this all about?

ETF2L in conjunction with VALVE the makers of TF2 have decided to host a competition to show just how great competitive TF2 is, the objective of this project is simple: give the non-competitive TF2 players the opportunity to play competitively and make their experience the best one possible.

Who can take part?

This tournament is eligible players who are new to competitive play. Anyone who has a history of division 5 or higher (or equivalent skill levels in other leagues) will not be allowed to play. However, we are also looking for buddies to mentor potential highlander teams. Buddies will be able to play in the matches but only as non competitive classes; spy, heavy, pyro and engineer

Where do I sign up?

Sign ups are due to open next month so keep checking ETF2L. In the meantime players should make sure they’re signed up on ETF2L

Buddies can volunteer themselves by joining the following steam group: [Link]

What do I get out of this?

VALVE are giving away three different types of medals for being a part of this event: participation, runner-up & winner. These medals will be real in-game items that everyone can see and anyone not involved in this tournament will not receive one.

Can you tell me more about the in-game medal?

The in-game medal will be like a hat. Everyone can see it.
You will win a medal when you A) Win the tournament (winners medal), B) Finish 2nd in the tournament (runner up medal) or C) Are eliminated from the tournament (participation medal). You do not get a medal for just signing up.

Can I help make the model?

If you have previous TF2 modelling experience, yes. Remember to follow the TF2 style guidelines. Download this file and use it for size reference: [Link]

When you have completed a concept of your medal, get in touch with an ETF2L admin. We will look at all the submissions and pick one before we ask the designer to make a finished version of it

How many people can be in one team?

14 people can be registered to each team. Make another team if you have more players (eg Community Team A, Community Team B, etc.) You cannot play in more than one team.

Are non-European teams welcome?

Yes, as long as you are fine with playing on European servers and in European time zones.

Are non-european players welcome?

all non-european players either community or buddy are invited to take part in this event but be warned, games will be played at normal european times.

If you have anymore questions or anything you’d like to suggest then please do not hesitate to contact an admin through IRC Quakenet #Etf2l by typing !admin


Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:33 pm
by Sharp Dagger
also bbloke when you say highlander it shows you the chalkboard/MOTD thing, but its empty

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:52 pm
by BBloke
Ok Dagger I'll test it when I get home.. what happens if you type donate? I'm just thinking maybe there is something wrong with your IE isntallation or webshortcuts is fooked due to the numerous updates! LOL

Re: Questions?! ask um here

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:58 pm
by BBloke
In the unlikely but more probable event that the webshortcuts doesn't like a ? in the URL i've changed things around. So I've changed the web url to" onclick=";return false; which automatically redirects to viewforum.php?f=60" onclick=";return false;

Give it another and let me know what happens.