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Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:19 pm
by oldmeme
So I, like many a computer user, enjoy listening to some music while I browse, work etc. on the PC. Now I've been using iTunes since I got my iPod Touch a while back, but other than being able to sync with my iPod, it's a little slow and awkward I feel. Does anyone have a better program to suggest?

I've tried WinAmp and Quintessential Player and neither are really good for managing large folders of music (30GB+ :P) and are both rather cluttered in appearence. The WinAmp skins look nice alright but they arn't what I'm looking for. I loved Amarok 1.4 but that's got very shoddy Windows support and speed (works brilliantly on Linux) and the new one (2.0) is fairly clutter-y.

I'm looking for something thats:
-Very Fast (Not me double clicking a song and having to wait a couple of seconds for it to do anything)
-Quick to browse through (not one gigantic scroll bar).
-Windows Compatable

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:38 pm
by Doomzor
Erm why are you not using Windows Media Player?

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:53 pm
by oldmeme
Doomzor wrote:Erm why are you not using Windows Media Player?
Because it falls under my hideous scrollbar browser list :P
And it works kind of funny under some funny formats like Flac.

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:18 pm
by BBloke
I've found there to be a lack of good mp3 players around. I use winamp and I've not found it slow at all and I have a library of 30gb+. Yes it's huge on screen but then what isn't when you want to see your playlist and media library.

I remember there used to be one called sonic or something but it's long since gone by the way side. A quick look on sourceforge gave this" onclick=";return false; with nearly 3 million downloads. It's a media center.. which is the direction of most but something to have a look at I guess. Good luck finding something. I've been with winamp since the early v1 days and still find it does the job.

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:35 pm
by oldmeme
Found two very nice ones on my searching about:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Foobar2000 is a mega low CPU usage program with a nice browser and is hyper fast, if a little awkward to set up folders.
Songbird is a bit more familiar to me, it's a lot like iTunes but with a cleaner browser and nice addons and that.

I'll give that xbmc a whirl too but it looks a little like a flashy iTunes Cover Flow to be honest :S Thanks anyway BBloke.

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:23 pm
by Devvil
What´s wrong with winamp ?

Just look for some skins and you´re set.

You can use the Big Bento skin which is nice for ppl with a lot of songs.

I also have a giant library of songs (+/- 25GB) and I find it easier to get to the folder and click on the albums...>.> Libraries were always too cluttered for me

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:25 pm
by DragoonKnight
my head is a gd mp3 player for me but it doesnt do most of the song and so it tend to repeat a lot. :|

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:40 am
by Supernova
iTunes works nicely for me with a large amount of music, however I would be using songbird were it not for it's lack of support for the media keys on my keyboard. The reason it looks familiar is that it's pretty much Firefox, based on the same code. You can notice this because the menu system is the same :)

I use songbird on linux over amarok. It also has hundreds of plugins including ipod synch support - which is nice.

Foobar2000 is a great little player and plays loads of media formats, but like you said it's hard to manage large collections.

And I despise Windows Media Player, so I'm not going to talk about it!

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:54 am
by Toco
im a winamp user myself and what i did is just organized my music into various playlists depending on my mood, takes time at first but after ur done its just a matter of click click and crank the volume

Re: Decent Music player program?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:08 pm
by Innonexess
I thought everyone harps on about VLC player? I've never tried to use it extensively, but that could be an idea?