Under New Managment!

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Under New Managment!

Post by Fester » Fri May 13, 2011 11:03 am

Some of you may have heard a rumor circulating... and its true, both myself and Jased10s are going into server management retirement. we have decided that we no longer were able to offer the time that was needed to keep this great community alive so we asked our faithful admins if someone would like to take over the management of the server. Dintbo (aka Bosco) has stepped forward and over the past week has been settling into his new roll as Top Level Admin.

For 4 years this community has been growing larger and has gotten huge support from our fantastic admins, donators and regulars and i want to thank you all for this great support. Festers Place community would be nothing with out you good folk, and i am really glad to say the social TF2 dream will still live on under the new management by Bosco!

in my eyes there is no better man to carry on the dream! and i want to thank him for stepping forward and taking on the roll of management, i wish you much luck Bosco! and i am sure all the good folks of our community will offer their help and support to insure many more years for this great community!

you can be sure that you will see myself and Jased10s on the server's from time to time, we aint going anywhere! ;) but the new man with the plan is Mr. Dintbo (aka Bosco) our fearless leader! :D

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dintbo(aka bosco)
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Re: Under New Managment!

Post by dintbo(aka bosco) » Fri May 13, 2011 4:13 pm

I'd just like to say a massive thank you to both jased and fester for the time and effort they have put in over the last four years building this fantastic community. Its been a place a pure fun and enjoyment for me over the last four years (exactly 4 years on monday in fact!!) I know for a fact that I would have stopped playing this game years ago if it wasn't for FP. Here's to many more years of good fun and games.
Nicely done Bbloke!!

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