Been thinking about this alot and I don´t want to break my head any longer about what the reactions might be. So here´s me again.
I´ve been missing this place and its people alot. Games never been the same again.
Things have been the way they did. Tbh I don´t even want to remember anything that you can´t change now anyways.
Master´s been a real pain in the ass insisting on staying in contact when I was completely done with gaming almost and acting strange. He reminded me of what this was all about actually. __fell treated me like a good old friend as he always used to after adding each other when crossing our ways randomly on some other boring server. There have been a few other lads that directly or indirectly reminded me of the idea behind playing on Fester´s Place, playing WITH Fester´s Place´s people.
Too well I know I´m not the 12"-cock´d white knight that this community has been waiting for to come back and save the day. Too well I know that things have been said and done which weren´t supposed to be said on a family dinner´s table. But we are human. I am human. If anyone still has anything on his or her mind that needs to be cleared or said, I am available for any shitstorming on steam chat (only!). If that is the prize to be paid to get some unclouded fun going on I am gladly willing to pay it. I just want to come back home again if there is a way.
I came here for announcing that I would highly appreciate to see some of you guys on a game again.
Talking to Master and __fell, we decided to giving it a further shot next friday, October 4th.