Tocos engi guide

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Tocos engi guide

Post by Toco » Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:37 pm

first off i wanna thank xexes for inspiring me to write this guide and yes im very high while typing this and yes i was really board when i started :greentoke: the guide isnt done yet, just looking to see if theres interest in the guide or if u guys think im just another blowhard :o ....that sounded bad, lemme know wut ya think so far.

as some of you have noticed ive started playing alot of engi and when i do im usualy the one that sets up that sg that pisses you off to no end or apears out of no where and smacks ya with a bullshit crit wrench and i thought i might outline the things i do to piss u all off so sucessfully , these are in no real order although they will be numbered.

1) Know your Enemy: you may be thinking to yourself right now "well no shit toco" and youd be right but its deeper then just red and blue or enemy class ballance. im talking aboot the players themselfs, who are the better spys on the server and how do they play it. do they pick on you? how do they attack? how persistant are they? knowing your enemy on a personal scale is the key

2) Be Unpredictable: there are so many engis out there that do the same thing, place sgs in the same spots, alot of the time this is a mistake. as maps get played more and more a person developes a mental map of the map and every stupid lil detail aboot it, including typical sg placements and how to beat them. dont be afraid to toss an sg in some fuck up location. yea it most likly wont live long but it can be the perfect distraction for you or your team to halt the enemy. when behind enemy lines it can be great for stopping renforcements, a solo engi waiting to ambush someone who stumbles across an "easy sg kill" can find himself a sitting duck to an engis wrench not to mention a great many laughs.

3) Don't Clutter: nothing pisses me off more when an engi sets up right next to me and the reason is simple, its 6 easy points for a demo with half a brain and a medic. stickies rape sgs, plain and simple, all a sentry clutter is is a giant target, the smaller the target the harder it is to kill. need i say more?

4) Play your engi like ____: what i mean is if your a good spy draw on this in your game, alot of the time a place where you might let your cloak charge is also a good sg spot, if your a good demo or solly then think where would you have a hard time destroying a sg, where would you rocket/sticky jump, nothing says free kills like someone flying high whos oblivious to whats under them.

5) TELEPORTERS: this one should be a given but it needs to be said none the less. teles are great for points for one, a well placed one can yeild upwards of 60 points in a 30 min game. position is key, place your tele entrys in the highest traffic area coming out of your spawn, the problem is spys generaly find them without much effort, if this is becoming too much of a pain in the ass, having to rebuild all the time , then hide the entry but make sure your team knows where its at, say and type its location (well provided all talk isnt on) the greatest tele in the world wont mean shit if your team isnt using it. as for exits you want them to be as close to the front as possable without it being destroyed. take into account of the trails your team will have leaving it as thats a dead giveaway that ur tele is near, also how easy can the enemy get to it, although this rule can be pushed aside in the intesrest of getting your team forward. and finaly try and put space between your sentry and your tele (provided ur setting up an "forward base")

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Del » Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:43 pm

lol, when I saw the subject line I was expecting this

Toco's engi guide
  • 1. build your shit
    2. beat heads in with a wrench
Nice Work!

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by (KK) Fogold » Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:21 pm

Hey, this is useful stuff.

Although its more fun just to whack people with your wrench.

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by xexes » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:03 pm

Translation: Rambling Pot to English
Toco wrote:First off I want to thank xexes for inspiring me to write this guide, I'm very high while typing this, and I was really bored when i started. :greentoke: This guide isn't done yet; I'm just looking to see if there's interest or if you guys think I'm just another blowhard :o ....let me know what you think so far.

As some of you have noticed I've started playing a lot of Engie and when I do I'm usually the one with that SG that pisses you off to no end, or appears out of no where and smacks ya with a bullshit crit wrench. I thought I might outline the things I do to piss you all off so successfully, in no real order.

1) Know your Enemy
You may be thinking to yourself right now "Well no shit, Toco" and you'd be right, but there's more to just red and blue class balance. I'm talking about the players themselves, who are the better spies on the server, what's their method of gameplay? How do they pick on you? How do they attack? How persistent are they? Knowing your enemy on a personal scale is key.

2) Be Unpredictable
There are so many Engies out there that do the same thing, placing SGs in the same spots, and a lot of the time this is a mistake. As maps get played more and more, a person develops a good understanding of the map and every detail about it, including typical SG placements and how to defeat them. Don't be afraid to toss a SG in some fucked up random location. Yes, it most likely won't live long but it can be a perfect distraction for you and your team to halt the enemy. When behind enemy lines it can be great for stopping reinforcements;a solo enemy player can find himself a sitting duck to your Engie wrench and an easy SG kill point, not to mention a good laugh.

3) Don't Clutter
Nothing pisses me off more then when an Engie sets up right next to me. The reason is simple, it's 6 easy points for a mediced demo with half a brain. Stickies rape SGs, plain and simple, and all that building clutter is is a giant target. Need i say more?

4) Play your Engie like ____
What I mean is that if you're a good spy, a lot of the time a place where you might let your cloak charge is also a good SG spot; if you're a good demo or solly then think about where you would have a hard time destroying a SG, where would you rocket/sticky jump, etc. Nothing says free kills like someone flying high who's oblivious to whats under them.

5) Teleporters
This one should be a given but it needs to be said none the less. Teles are great for points; a well placed one can yield upwards of 60 points in a 30 min game. Position is key, place your tele entries in the highest traffic area coming out of your spawn. However, the problem is that spies generally find them without much effort, and if this is becoming too much of a pain in your ass, then you can hide the entry, but make sure your team knows where it's at, say and type its location (taking all-talk into consideration). The greatest tele in the world won't mean shit if your team isn't using it. As for exits, you want them to be as close to the front as possible without it being destroyed. Take into account the trails your team will have leaving it as 'teleport afterglow' is dead giveaway that your tele is near, although this rule can be pushed aside in the interest of getting your team to forward line. Finally, try and put space between your sentry and your tele (provided your setting up an "forward base").

More soon.

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by xexes » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:47 pm

I'd like to post some tips of my own as well.

On some maps, with a bit of cleverness, you can place a tele entrance such that as soon as a teammate spawns, they are teleported to the front lines. Excellent timesaver, although this tactic can leave an unexpecting teleportee bewildered.

Sentry Guns:
SGs are the primary weapon and lifeblood of an engie. Placement is key. As Toco iterated, you never want to build a cluster of buildings together, and definitely not with another Engie. A cluster of buildings is a demo's wet dream. The only exception to this rule is to build a dispenser directly behind you so that you can gather metal and turtle away at your sentry if it is taking a lot of damage.
SGs don't always have to be level three. You may choose to keep it at level one if it is hiding behind a small rock or something similar. When there are multiple sentries around, think before you build.
You know how, sometimes when coming inside a fortified enemy base all of a sudden you are pummelled by god-knows-how-many sentries with such force that you can't even move or fire and your screen is a blinding inferno of fire? That's what you want to build. And it's done by placing sentries that compliment each other. Consider my crude drawing of mach4 below. If two sentries are placed overlooking opposite sides of the intel, an intruder entering that space will be attacked so hard they wont be able to move or escape.


Engineering Types:
There are three types of engineering.
1- Turtle - Put a sentry down, put a dispenser behind it, and sit between them crouched and wack your sentry all day, like you have OCD something awful. This makes you an easy spy target and you won't get much points. Go shoot some stuff, man.
2- Defensive - Placement of your buildings such that it does the usual defensive tasks.
3- Offensive - Yes there is such a thing as an offensive engineer! You can place surprise level one sentries (offensive/battle sentries) that take down wounded enemies. You can build dispensers on the front line (and your team will love you). The possibilities are endless, don't be afraid to experiment. I can't tell you how often a hidden offensive sentry has thrown me off guard, finished me off, or forced me into thick battle and a speedy death.

Some Engie tactics:
Help your fellow engies. One level two sentry is more effective than two level one's. If you help an engie build his up first, chances are he will help you with yours. Be a collective mind and tend to all your structures, don't be afraid to heal someone else's stuff.

Engie buildings can act as a ladder to you (and you only) to get to other places. IE, you can build a dispenser, hop on top of it, and then jump onto a nearby platform and build more stuff you wouldn't previously be able to access. A quick note on this is that I saw an early video of a medic boosting a fellow engie into the air with his needle gun, not sure if this still works.

Spy check. Use your wrench, pistol, shotty, anything, but don't just stare blankly as spies steal your metal, sap your stuff, and backstab you. Also along these lines, don't be afraid to leave your things for a few moments and put some bullets into the enemy, but at the same time, remember you are not a suicidal pyro so don't act like one. When you do get sapped, and it will happen, be calm about it. You have plenty of time to crit-bullshit-wrench the spy and then unsap your stuff. If you don't take care of the spy first, you are giving him an opportunity to run around you in circles and continuously place sappers while you continuously whack them off - and that's a game you will always loose to a good spy.

Enforce your front line. What I mean by this is, as your team advances further, it becomes nessissary to keep the enemy team from advancing with reinforcements and pushing you all the way back to spawn (and then optionally spawn camping you for the remainder of the round). Place buildings to keep your team from being pushed back. You want to guard from enemy advances (SGs), keep your team healed (dispensers), and bring your team to the front lines ASAP (teles). Remember, you are a support class, so act like it.

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Selby » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:02 pm

I dislike playing engineer on defensive push maps like badwater but when I do here are my personal actions. (using badwater/avanti) as an example.

I always build a dispenser at point 2 and my tele exit at P2. By the time the kart gets to that area you have ready made ammo to build up a SG quickly. Once they're in place (and about 10 seconds to go) I build a SG to lvl 2 at the first point and un-man it. Chances are there'll be another engy to help saps and damages. I concentrate on getting setup because one ubered demo or hw can wipeout everything and it takes precious time building up everything at 2 whilst offense is advancing. Point-wise you may get 5 kills with your sg but priority for me is cap 2, protecting against spies/ enemy as best I can.

Offensively I like playing engy - the main goal are the teleports. You can either wait a minute to let the Def ubers/men do what they do during the opening chaotic scenes - maybe attack with your shotgun but try and get a teleport up straight away. Also remember to put an exit up secondly before any SG/ dispenser which will come in time - lvl3 teleport is worth more than lvl 2 sentry (transport 3 men from spawn or kill 1 attacking pyro?).
Setting up sentries is fine if you cant advance more with your teleports (like cap 4 badwater or cap 2 avanti) but if you're a team player the build should be (imo) entrance/exit/dispenser/sg

Wielding the pistol is also useful. I played chaos and stood up top of BLU base randomly shooint RED with the 12-bullet pistol, even though I didnt kill any I assisted a hell of a lot - Id rather have a demoman attacking me with 100HP than full HP it's small but adds up.

Everyone knows SG points and its fine putting the sentries there but it's obvious where the ubers are going to... dont put your dispensers near, leave them out of site 2,3 seconds away it's easier building a sentry with a lvl3 dispenser than having to forage ammo from spawn points or fallen weapons. Always have 200 ammo - an ubered HW cant get your sentry if you crouch behind repairing it - chances are by the time uber is over you have 2 soldiers, a pyro, demoman and crazy scout waiting to pounce on them anyway.

Toco is pretty spot on.

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Selby » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:05 pm

another thing - a pet hate.

Teleport exits - it's useful to turn them around (mouse2 or 3 for most) to face different directions - there's nothing worse than spawning, teleporting and facing a wall crazily moving the mouse to get your bearings. always face into the action.

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Fester » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:04 am

I likes these guides :) guides for the people from the people :D

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Jonnywhy » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:11 am

Fester wrote:I likes these guides :) guides for the people from the people :D
Sounds like the start of an uprising to me...
"Hey actually Jonnywhy is right" - AngryWolf

"I agree with Jonnywhy" - Supernova

"Jonnywhy you're about as useful as a ashtray on a motor bike!" - Fester

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Re: Tocos engi guide

Post by Taekwon-joe » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:30 am

I should make a guide for the spy. It would consist of tips like "When playing on festers prepare to be frustrated. Every backstab you make will be instantly followed by being burned to death by one of the 8 or so pyros on the opposing team."

Or maybe "Playing spy on Festers is like trying to put out a forest fire by pissing on it"

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