Fixing the time for specific maps

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Fixing the time for specific maps

Post by Akuma » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:11 pm

Hey there.

I noticed some things that I coincider requiring attention.

#1 Sudden Death mode

When a Sudden Death Mode is engaged, the timer is set for 3 minutes.
I concider this to be way too much for a Sudden Death round.
The main cause for a Sudden Death round is to simply quickly terminate the ending round in a quick manner where everyone just melees each other to death.
Setting teh clock to 3:00 is just way too long to wait if you've been killed in the melee and have to wait for the others to finish. Also, many people tend to go for the flag/intelligence instead of the real fighting which on large maps (say 2fort) tends to drag out the round even longer.

My suggestion: Set the Sudden Death mode clock to exactly 1 minute.
60 seconds should suffice plenty and it will not lead to people going for the intelligence
I've played on serveral servers buth non-custom and custom. Most of them have a 60 scond clock on Sudden Death mode.

#2 Avanti
The time between the rounds are between 20-30 minutes long.
That is just way too long. I suggest either making the rounds shorter, say 10 minutes OR using the same principle as used on the other attack/defend maps like goldrush where you only have 2-4 minutes to capture the first checkpoint, and if the first checkpoint is captured, another additional 4 minutes are added to the clock.
Half an hour for each round making the map seuccesive over an hour long for both teams if both teams are to play defend and attack is just hideous. I love the map avanti, but playing it for half an hour on the same side just turns dull after a while.

That would be all.
Thanks for a great server and enjoy the summer holidays

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