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Re: Summer tournament - Ideas needed!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:42 am
by dintbo(aka bosco)
I think to try and get a tourney going the best thing would be to keep it 1v1 so here's my idea:

Nine rounds of 1v1 arena playing a different class each round. (As its 1v1 first blood doesn't matter)
Each round both people choose the same class so it would be scout v scout, then solly v solly etc.
I'm in 2 minds about using the sandman as the first scout the bonk someone will most likely win. Then again both players will have the same opportunity, assuming they both have the sandman of course.
I don't think spies should be allowed use any of the cloaking devices. Otherwise a spy v spy round could go on all day.

I know the game is about the team aspect of stuff but I reckon it could be a laugh and it would be quick. Both chairman and meme have had a decent taste of what its like to try and get us lot organised.

If anyone fancies helping me test this out today drop me a line and if the bball server is free we could try it out there.

Re: Summer tournament - Ideas needed!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:08 pm
by Exterminatus
Good idea, but the success will wildly vary depending on what weapons people use. For example a Scattergun scout will usually beat a FaN scout with his sustained fire, a revolver spy will almost always beat an Ambassador spy (lucky headshots non-withstanding) etc and you will just end up with one guy dominating his own class.
I suggest a 3v3 arena format with no class restrictions playing like 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 games. 3v3 is a lot more versatile than 1v1 or 2v2 and it's still a small number of players so you wouldn't get cases like 6v6+ where you die because your teammates keep getting swamped and refuse to stick together. The Sandman would naturally need to be banned since it' would have an even bigger impact than official 6v6 match format.

Re: Summer tournament - Ideas needed!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:54 pm
by Loud&Clear
Sorry for being such an idiot you have to literally draw me a picture, mug. Thanks