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Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:28 am
by Fester
Here's a brief installation guide for us.

Code: Select all

1. Install Mumble
2. Setup Push to talk and input settings
3. Keep Mumble running (but dont keep the connect box open).
4. Start TF2 and goto Highlander server
5. Type one of the following in game chat
 a. highlander
 b. bof_1
 c. bof_2
 d. bof_3
5. TF2 will start a web browser page which will then call mumble.  Server details will be forwarded to mumble.
6. Alt Tab and enter a username
7.  You should be in one of the following channels depending on what you typed in chat.
 a. highlander - Main highlander lobby
 b. bof_1 - Team 1 room
 c. bof_2 - Team 2 room
 d. bof_3 - Team 3 room
8. You can save the server details by clicking on Server menu in mumble, then connect and then Add new...
9. The server details will already be completed and the password stored.
You can use the above in game chat messages to move around mumble. If you start in bof_1 and need to go into bof_3 then just type it in TF2 chat and you will be moved. There have been accounts of users having trouble with this where multiple mumble programs have started. At the moment I don't know why cos it doesn't happen to me.

** If you dont want to start the game use this web address **
Highlander Mumble

** If you have trouble with connecting:

Q: I'm asked for the password, which I enter correctly. Connect. See 'root' for a brief moment and then I'm disconnected. Invalid user or password
A: Chances are something has screwed up somewhere. Try changing your username slightly and reconnect.

created and stole from BBloke.. :P

Re: Mumble

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:36 pm
by BBloke
Great guide Fester. Serious case of Deja Vu though!!! LOL.. ;)